<aside> <img src="/icons/circle-dashed_gray.svg" alt="/icons/circle-dashed_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Now



Now page inspired by Derek Sivers.

What is this?

These notes track my intentions, ruminations, and calibrations around various pursuits.

Along the way, I hope to share nuggets of things I encounter.

Why it exists

Receiving a panic disorder diagnosis in 2021 crystallized my need for simplicity, clarity, and focus.

Amidst all of it I never lost my sense of gratitude, but I felt terribly scattered and lost.

In working with the cocktail of panic, anxiety, and depression, it there seemed that two things that helped.

One was defined pursuits, like baking sourdough 100 times in a year. These things positively fueled my sense of presence and direction.

The other seem to be in articulation. Testing and teasing at the contents of my present by conjuring it up into words for evaluation. Zooming into now. And looking around.

I hope to disclose the contents of my gray matter onto these pages to explore what happens when I share the journey with you.

Share your thoughts.